Memorial Services for
Robert T. Sessions, MD
will be held on
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Internment of Ashes
2:00 pm
Marietta City Cemetery
395 Powder Springs St.
Memorial Service
3:00 pm
First United Methodist Church
56 Whitlock Ave
Marietta, GA
Memorial Gifts:
If you have been reading these postings you know that Dad's perspective on life was shaped in his boyhood by the view he gained from the summit of the Rocky Mountains. Because of this we ask that any memorial gifts be directed to the John Austin Cheley Foundation (c/o Treasurer, PO Box 934986, Atlanta, GA 31193-4683) to help fund "camperships" to Cheley Colorado Camps in order to give other young boys and girls an opportunity to climb as high and see as far.
A Note re: Dad's ashes:
Only a portion of Mom and Dad's ashes have been / will be interred in the Sessions family plot at the Marietta City Cemetery (last resting place of many, many generations of Sessions). The rest of them will be scattered in places that hold particular significance to them as individuals and as a couple.
Over the course of the next year my brother and sisters and I will take their ashes to Port Huron, MI (Mom's birthplace); La Grange, IL (Dad's birthplace); the shore of Lake Michigan near Northwestern Medical School in Chicago (where they courted and he proposed); Seattle, WA (where they started their married life); WoodValley Dr in Marietta (where we grew up as a family); and Pawley's Island, SC (where Dad faithfully kept his 1963 promise that if Mom -- born and raised on the shore of a Great Lake -- would agree to move to land-locked Marietta he would take her to a place where water meets sky on the far horizon at least once a year).
In addition, this coming summer I will keep a promise that I made to Dad many years ago, and renewed shortly before he died, when he asked that I scatter his ashes from the summit of Long's Peak and from a spot on Flattop Mountain above Emerald Lake.
I will be joined in the ascent by Bill Bunten -- one of Dad's oldest friends and his co-conspirator the day two tuxedo-clad, college-age imposters, supposedly representing the "Estes Park Chamber of Commerce," welcomed weary tourists to the summit with champagne. See the photo gallery for a picture from that historic day.
Thank you in advance for being present in body or thought this coming Saturday. May our father's soul rest in peace and his spirit travel far.
[Posted by Kimberly Hagen]
Robert T. Sessions, MD
will be held on
Saturday, December 12, 2009
2:00 pm
Marietta City Cemetery
395 Powder Springs St.
Memorial Service
3:00 pm
First United Methodist Church
56 Whitlock Ave
Memorial Gifts:
If you have been reading these postings you know that Dad's perspective on life was shaped in his boyhood by the view he gained from the summit of the Rocky Mountains. Because of this we ask that any memorial gifts be directed to the John Austin Cheley Foundation (c/o Treasurer, PO Box 934986, Atlanta, GA 31193-4683) to help fund "campership
A Note re: Dad's ashes:
Only a portion of Mom and Dad's ashes have been / will be interred in the Sessions family plot at the Marietta City Cemetery (last resting place of many, many generations of Sessions). The rest of them will be scattered in places that hold particular significanc
Over the course of the next year my brother and sisters and I will take their ashes to Port Huron, MI (Mom's birthplace)
In addition, this coming summer I will keep a promise that I made to Dad many years ago, and renewed shortly before he died, when he asked that I scatter his ashes from the summit of Long's Peak and from a spot on Flattop Mountain above Emerald Lake.
I will be joined in the ascent by Bill Bunten -- one of Dad's oldest friends and his co-conspira
Thank you in advance for being present in body or thought this coming Saturday. May our father's soul rest in peace and his spirit travel far.
[Posted by Kimberly Hagen]
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