Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2010 11:25 PM Subject: New Life
Hi friends, I have embarked on a new life. I have seen the light, and am taking a new identity. Please refer to me now on as Rama Lama.
I have rid myself and my being of all material goods, which is quite freeing.
I have let my identity as a spiritual being replace the one that you all have come to know as the musician, and am releasing the musical life that I have been publicly pursuing. Please know that although I love music, I will not be considering myself a musician any longer.
I am watching a film About Norway, maybe Denmark- where winter is one unbroken night, six months long a country with vast rural stretches inside the Arctic Circle, where the cities are ancient, and the diet-fish and wine-superhuman. It is April there, and this is no glossy travel come-on because bulky middle-aged women in aprons and house slippers are lolling on park benches lifting wrinkled faces to the sun. Other women with big strong arms and a few teeth missing scrub carpets in the river and men in suits run, growling with joy, into the park tearing off neckties and throwing themselves onto the grass. Mothers by the duck pond are holding each other and weeping while children wrench off shoes and socks. They are all insane with spring And I recognize them immediately.
Windows is shutting down, and grammar are On their last leg. So what am we to do? A letter of complaint go just so far, Proving the only one in step are you.
Better, perhaps, to simply let it goes. A sentence have to be screwed pretty bad Before they gets to where you doesnt knows The meaning what it must be meant to had.
The meteor have hit. Extinction spread, But evolution do not stop for that. A mutant languages rise from the dead And all them rules is suddenly old hat.
Too bad for we, us what has had so long The best seat from the only game in town. But there it am, and whom can say its wrong? Those are the break. Windows is shutting down.