Saturday, February 13, 2010


[Newlywed] Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote to his sister: "We are as happy as people can be, without making themselves ridiculous, and might be even happier; but, as a matter of taste, we choose to stop short at this point."

I'm Puritan to the bone, down to
the marrow and then some:
if I'm not sorry I worry,
if I can't worry I count.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Portland Recycling 101

Sort Less. Recycle More!

With the arrival of the blue recycling roll cart, it is no longer necessary to sort materials for curbside collection, except glass and motor oil. The company that picks up your recycling takes all materials to a facility where it is sorted effectively.

Click here for specifics on Recycling 101: New System

Your rate includes the collection of a garbage and recycling company provided blue roll cart on your recycling collection day.

Note: If you have non-curbside service for your garbage and recycling because no one in your household is physically able to take the containers to the curb, you can arrange with your garbage hauler to have your recycling picked up non-curbside.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010