Sunday, April 25, 2010

Gnome Management in the Garden

Dear Friends,

Please check out the fairy tale video about Garden Gnomes above. These scurrilous lies have been making the rounds for years and what is unbelievable is that supposedly educated people have fallen for these abhorrent rumors. I personally feel they have originated by jealous pretenders who would rather be in the exalted position of garden gnomes. These include elves, fairies, trolls and professional garden educators. Like current politicians, the Swiftian spreaders of these abominable stories use a minute thread of truth and then move into exaggeration and bombast. We Must look at the motive for these unwarranted attacks. If you look at other You Tube Videos about gnomes you will immediately see one about a large group of gnomes supposedly doing the nazi salute. But these gnomes are all grey and no self respecting gnome goes colorless especially if in the undeveloped state of being plastic. This video too is phony.

Rather the hierarchy of gnomes longs for the concrete state of being not the lowest level of plastic or china or even iron. Furthermore they love being large and colorful
and sealed. I hope you noticed in the original counterfeit video, that all the supposedly invasive gnomes would fit in the palm of your hand. What is true is that these are really house gnomes trying to get outside so that they can achieve their dream of being a garden gnome. This video is a perfect example of horticultural pseudo-science run amok. But as in current politics the marketing of these lies is brilliant because of its attention to detail and its semblance of reality. It stands the facts on end in a convincing if mendacious manner. Everyone knows that gnomes live as family and seldom show themselves alone. This video takes this normal circumstance and turns it around as if groups of gnomes trying to achieve their destiny as garden gnomes are somehow sinister and dangerous. This report is so convincing that even supposedly educated viewers have been taken in even though there is no hard evidence that the end of this supposed invasion is less than salutary. We must let the less developed gnomes live out their destiny. Let our voices ring out: "LEAVE THE GNOMES TO THEIR DESTINY".

Don of Jan&Don

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